1. Build Instructions

Building EFDC+ from the source code on a Windows operating system is most easily carried out with Visual Studio (VS). The Intel Fortran compiler is the preferred compiler and the most tested for building EFDC+. The simplest build method is to open the VS solution file that comes with the source code. The solution file (EFDCPlus_085_OMP.sln) is located in the root directory of the repository. To build EFDC+ open up this solution file with VS. Once VS is open, the executable can be built by selecting the Build tab and clicking Build Solution.

This discussion assumes the user is running Windows 7 (or greater) and has access to Visual Studio 2015 (or greater). These tools have been most throughly tested. However, it is likely that EFDC+ can be built with other versions of the Intel compiler and Visual Studio.

In addition to the source code, pre-built executables are available under each of the following folders:

  • EFDC/DebugSP64/
  • EFDC/ReleaseDP64/
  • EFDC/ReleaseSP/
  • EFDC/ReleaseSP64/

Next, the differences in each of the build configurations will be explained.

1.1. Build Configurations

The different build configurations are managed by VS. Visual studio provides a convenient way for maintaining different build configurations for the same project. The build configurations can be inspected by clicking the Project tab in the top of VS and selecting properties. Each of the build configurations is listed below:

  • DEBUG SP 64
  • DEBUG DP 64
  • Release SP
  • Release SP 64
  • Release DP
  • Release DP 64

For each of the bulleted build configurations listed above, if 64 is not specified, the executables is assumed to be compiled for a 32 bit system. The table below explains the shorthand used to signify the differences in build configurations.

SP Single Precision
DP Double Precision
64 64 bit compilation

1.1.1. OpenMP Compilation

Compilation of EFDC+ with OpenMP allows multithreading, which typical results in a reduction of the total calculation time. The build configuration requires specifying several things in the VS Properties page. These settings are already configured in the builds provided. However, the details are given below in case a user wants to make modifications or use an OpenMP library besides Intel’s.

Under: Fortran\Preprocessor

OpenMP Conditional Compilation Yes

Under: Fortran\Preprocessor

Process OpenMP Directives Generate Parallel Code (/Qopenmp)

Under: Fortran\Libraries

Runtime Library Multithreaded DLL (/libs.dll /threads)

Under: Linker\Input

Additional Dependencies libiomp5md.lib

Below is a summary of the Intel compiler suite and Visual Studio versions that are known to work.

1.1.2. Intel Compiler Versions Tested

  • Intel 15
  • Intel 19.3
  • Intel 19.4

1.1.3. Visual Studio Versions Tested

  • 2015
  • 2019 (Preview 4)