2. Required Spatial Files

Input File Description
cell.inp Describes the cell mapping and which type of cell goes where.
celllt.inp Auxiliary cell type file
dxdy.inp Horizontal cell dimensions, depth, bottom elevation, roughness, vegetation class
lxly.inp Horizontal cell center coordinates and cell orientation
corners.inp Provides x,y coordinates corners for Lagrangian Particle Tracking module

2.1. Optional Spatial Files

Input File Description
mask.inp Specifies thin barriers if NMASK > 0
layermask.inp Specifies thin barriers for layer faces if NBLOCKED > 0 (for EFDC+ 10.1 and later)
mappgns.inp Specifies north-south (J/V face) direction grid connections
mappgew.inp Specifies east-west (I/U face) direction grid connections
moddxdy.inp Modifies cell dimensions originally specified in dxdy.inp
sgzlayer.inp Specifies the bottom active water layer if IGRIDV=1

The primary input files that specify the geometry of the problem are given in greater detail below.